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Wingz Script
363 lines
tf:doit = 0 quit dialog box
%taxes:doit=1 taxes:str1=ctstring(4,0)
gEnter first name & initial. If joint return, also give spouse's name & initial. Follow with last name.
tf:doit = 0 quit dialog box
%taxes:doit=1 taxes:str1=ctstring(4,0)
OPresent home address (# and street). If a P.O. Box, see page 9 of instructions.
tf:doit = 0 quit dialog box
%taxes:doit=1 taxes:str1=ctstring(4,0)
/City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code.
tf:doit = 0 quit dialog box
>taxes:doit=1 taxes:str1=ctstring(4,0) taxes:str2=ctstring(5,0)
BEnter your social security number. (Spouse's also, if applicable).
tf:doit = 0 quit dialog box
$taxes:doit=1 taxes:str1=ctvalue(4,0)
"Do you want $1 to go to this fund?
#Presidential Election Campaign Fund
tf:doit = 0 quit dialog box
$taxes:doit=1 taxes:str1=ctvalue(4,0)
=If joint return, does your spouse want $1 to go to this fund?
#Presidential Election Campaign Fund
tf:doit = 0 quit dialog box
$taxes:doit=1 taxes:str1=ctvalue(3,0)
Single return
Married filing jointly
Married filing separate return
*Head of Household (with qualifying person)
Check your filing status
Spouse's full name
Child's full name
,message "1040EZ Form Can Be Installed Here."
+message "1040A Form Can Be Installed Here."
*message "1040 Form Can Be Installed Here."
(message "W2 Form Can Be Installed Here."
Tax Tables
+message "TAX TABLES Can Be Installed Here."
,message "1040EZ Form Can Be Installed Here."
+message "1040A Form Can Be Installed Here."
*message "1040 Form Can Be Installed Here."
(message "W2 Form Can Be Installed Here."
Tax Tables
+message "TAX TABLES Can Be Installed Here."
,message "1040EZ Form Can Be Installed Here."
+message "1040A Form Can Be Installed Here."
*message "1040 Form Can Be Installed Here."
(message "W2 Form Can Be Installed Here."
Tax Tables
+message "TAX TABLES Can Be Installed Here."
open dialog
Page Setup...
Page Setup
Page Preview...
Page Preview
(hide controls Print Dialog show controls
Cant Undo
Tax Forms
Process Form
Enter Data
call taxes:getinput()
Figure Tax
9message "Tax Computation Routines Can Be Installed Here."
Print Return
%hide controls print now show controls
define doit,str1,str2,ssn,spouse,str3
function getname(n)
new modal dialog box at (-1,-1) +(5 inch, 2 inch)
add push button "OK", "Cancel" at (1.5 inch, 1.5 inch) +(2 inch, .5 inch)
script "tf:doit = 0 quit dialog box"
select control 1
dialog default push button
script "taxes:doit=1 taxes:str1=ctstring(4,0)"
add text "Enter first name & initial. If joint return, also give spouse's name & initial. Follow with last name."
at (.1 inch, .1 inch) +(4.8 inch, .5 inch)
no line border
add field at (.1 inch, .7 inch) +(4.8 inch, .5 inch)
field text n
doit = 0;
use dialog box
if doit
put " "&str1 into b8
end if
end function
function getaddr(n)
new modal dialog box at (-1,-1) +(5 inch, 2 inch)
add push button "OK", "Cancel" at (1.5 inch, 1.5 inch) +(2 inch, .5 inch)
script "tf:doit = 0 quit dialog box"
select control 1
dialog default push button
script "taxes:doit=1 taxes:str1=ctstring(4,0)"
add text "Present home address (# and street). If a P.O. Box, see page 9 of instructions."
at (.1 inch, .1 inch) +(4.8 inch, .5 inch)
no line border
add field at (.1 inch, .7 inch) +(4.8 inch, .5 inch)
field text n
doit = 0;
use dialog box
if doit
put " "&str1 into b10
end if
end function
function getcity(n)
new modal dialog box at (-1,-1) +(5 inch, 2 inch)
add push button "OK", "Cancel" at (1.5 inch, 1.5 inch) +(2 inch, .5 inch)
script "tf:doit = 0 quit dialog box"
select control 1
dialog default push button
script "taxes:doit=1 taxes:str1=ctstring(4,0)"
add text "City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code."
at (.1 inch, .1 inch) +(4.8 inch, .5 inch)
no line border
add field at (.1 inch, .7 inch) +(4.8 inch, .5 inch)
field text n
doit = 0;
use dialog box
if doit
put " "&str1 into b12
end if
end function
function getssn(n,ssn)
new modal dialog box at (-1,-1) +(5 inch, 2.5 inch)
add push button "OK", "Cancel" at (1.5 inch, 2 inch) +(2 inch, .5 inch)
script "tf:doit = 0 quit dialog box"
select control 1
dialog default push button
script "taxes:doit=1 taxes:str1=ctstring(4,0) taxes:str2=ctstring(5,0)"
add text "Enter your social security number. (Spouse's also, if applicable)."
at (.1 inch, .1 inch) +(4.8 inch, .5 inch)
no line border
add field at (.1 inch, .7 inch) +(4.8 inch, .5 inch)
field text n
add field at (.1 inch, 1.3 inch) +(4.8 inch, .5 inch)
field text ssn
doit = 0;
use dialog box
if doit
put str1 into h8
if length(str2) >= 9
put str2 into h10
end if
end if
end function
function fund()
new modal dialog box at (-1,-1) +(5 inch, 2.5 inch)
add push button "OK", "Cancel" at (1.5 inch, 2 inch) +(2 inch, .5 inch)
script "tf:doit = 0 quit dialog box"
select control 1
dialog default push button
script "taxes:doit=1 taxes:str1=ctvalue(4,0)"
add text "Do you want $1 to go to this fund?"
at (.1 inch, .1 inch) +(4.8 inch, .5 inch)
no line border
add radio button "Yes", "No" at (.1 inch, .7 inch) +(4.8 inch, 1 inch)
show control title "Presidential Election Campaign Fund"
doit = 0;
use dialog box
if doit
if str1=1
put "X" into f15
put " " into g15
put "X" into g15
put " " into f15
end if
end if
end function
function sfund()
new modal dialog box at (-1,-1) +(5 inch, 2.5 inch)
add push button "OK", "Cancel" at (1.5 inch, 2 inch) +(2 inch, .5 inch)
script "tf:doit = 0 quit dialog box"
select control 1
dialog default push button
script "taxes:doit=1 taxes:str1=ctvalue(4,0)"
add text "If joint return, does your spouse want $1 to go to this fund?"
at (.1 inch, .1 inch) +(4.8 inch, .5 inch)
no line border
add radio button "Yes", "No" at (.1 inch, .7 inch) +(4.8 inch, 1 inch)
show control title "Presidential Election Campaign Fund"
doit = 0;
use dialog box
if doit
if str1=1
put "X" into f16
put " " into g16
put "X" into g16
put " " into f16
end if
end if
end function
function status()
new modal dialog box at (-1,-1) +(5 inch, 3.5 inch)
add push button "OK", "Cancel" at (1.5 inch, 3 inch) +(2 inch, .5 inch)
script "tf:doit = 0 quit dialog box"
select control 1
dialog default push button
script "taxes:doit=1 taxes:str1=ctvalue(3,0)"
add radio button "Single return","Married filing jointly","Married filing separate return",
"Head of Household (with qualifying person)" at (.1 inch, .1 inch) +(4.8 inch, 2.8 inch)
show control title "Check your filing status"
doit = 0;
use dialog box
if doit
case str1
when 1
put "X " into b18
put " " into b20
put " " into b22
put " " into b24
when 2
put " " into b18
put "X " into b20
put " " into b22
put " " into b24
when 3
spouse = dg:dgask("Spouse's full name","",25)
put " " into b18
put " " into b20
put "X " into b22
put " " into b24
put spouse into e23
when 4
spouse = dg:dgask("Child's full name","",25)
put " " into b18
put " " into b20
put " " into b22
put "X " into b24
put spouse into f25
end case
end if
end function
function getinput()
taxes:doit = 0
define ans
ans = 0
call tf:shownote(37,1)
ans = getname("")
if taxes:doit = 1
ans = getaddr("")
end if
if taxes:doit = 1
ans = getcity("")
end if
if taxes:doit = 1
ans = getssn("","")
end if
if taxes:doit = 1
ans = fund()
end if
if taxes:doit = 1
ans = sfund()
end if
if taxes:doit = 1
ans = status()
end if
end function {getinput()}
function taxmenu()
debug 0
repaint off
date 1 "d-mon-yyyy"
date 2 "d-mon"
date 3 "mon-yy"
date 4 "mm-dd-yy"
date 5 "mm-dd"
time 1 "hr:mn:scam"
time 2 "hr:mnam"
time 3 "hh:mn:sc"
time 4 "hh:mn"
add menubar "tax"
add submenu "1986forms"
add menuitem "1040EZ" command "message ""1040EZ Form Can Be Installed Here."""
add menuitem "1040A" command "message ""1040A Form Can Be Installed Here."""
add menuitem "1040" command "message ""1040 Form Can Be Installed Here."""
add menuitem "W2" command "message ""W2 Form Can Be Installed Here."""
add menuitem "Tax Tables" command "message ""TAX TABLES Can Be Installed Here."""
add submenu "1987forms"
add menuitem "1040EZ" command "message ""1040EZ Form Can Be Installed Here."""
add menuitem "1040A" command "message ""1040A Form Can Be Installed Here."""
add menuitem "1040" command "message ""1040 Form Can Be Installed Here."""
add menuitem "W2" command "message ""W2 Form Can Be Installed Here."""
add menuitem "Tax Tables" command "message ""TAX TABLES Can Be Installed Here."""
add submenu "1988forms"
add menuitem "1040EZ" command "message ""1040EZ Form Can Be Installed Here."""
add menuitem "1040A" command "message ""1040A Form Can Be Installed Here."""
add menuitem "1040" command "message ""1040 Form Can Be Installed Here."""
add menuitem "W2" command "message ""W2 Form Can Be Installed Here."""
add menuitem "Tax Tables" command "message ""TAX TABLES Can Be Installed Here."""
add menu "File"
add menuitem "Open..." key "O" command "open dialog"
add menu separator
add menuitem "Close" type 4 key "W"
add menuitem "Save As..." type 4 command "save dialog"
add menuitem "Revert to Original" command "close;open ""form1040a"""
add menuitem "Revert to Saved" type 4
add menu separator
add menuitem "Page Setup..." type 4 command "Page Setup"
add menuitem "Page Preview..." type 4 command "Page Preview"
add menuitem "Print..." type 4 key "P" command "hide controls Print Dialog show controls"
add menu separator
add menuitem "Quit" key "Q"
add menu "Edit"
add menuitem "Cant Undo" type 27 key "Z" command "undo"
add menu separator
add menuitem "Cut" key "X"
add menuitem "Copy" key "C"
add menuitem "Paste" key "V"
add menuitem "Clear"
add menu "Tax Forms"
add menuitem "1986" submenu "1986forms"
add menuitem "1987" submenu "1987forms"
add menuitem "1988" submenu "1988forms"
add menu "Process Form"
add menuitem "Enter Data" command "call taxes:getinput()"
add menuitem "Figure Tax" command "message ""Tax Computation Routines Can Be Installed Here."""
add menuitem "Print Return" command "hide controls print now show controls"
show menubar "tax"
repaint on
end function {TaxMenu}